The 3 Things You Feel Most Uncomfortable Doing

One of my best friends often asks: “What is the best possible question we can ask ourselves right now?” Which, funnily enough, is often one of the best possible questions one can ask themselves. Yesterday the answer we came up with was: “What are the 3 things you need...

How to Cure Winter Depression

“Winter depression” is a common thing to get “struck by” this time of year.  And I’m not immune to either.  Every year when the nights start getting longer and the days colder, I start to become a little more gloomy in my attitude. I noticed it again when this winter...

Wave Your Freak Flag

Do you ever feel a little different from most of the people around you? Are you and your “BFF” such a great fit because you’re both completely crazy in a way that no one else understands? Are there parts of yourself even the people closest to you don’t get to see,...