by PepTalksBlog | 2017-12-03 | Dating / Relationships
We all know someone (or are someone) who always ends up falling for the wrong people. Every girlfriend turns out to be a manipulative psycho, or every guy you meet ends up treating you like shit. This is a common pattern you see over and over again. But then again,...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-09-26 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational
You know those moments when you feel like something’s wrong between you and someone you care about and you have no idea what to do about it? Maybe you can think of a situation like that right now… This could be an issue you have your partner, one of your friends...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-07-23 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational
Do you always seem to get involved with the wrong people when it comes to friendship, business or your love life? Do you feel like every time you give someone the benefit of the doubt, they waste that second chance and throw it back in your face twice as hard? Then...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-07-17 | Dating / Relationships
You’re walking down the street (or stumbling through a bar), and suddenly it happens… A particularly delicious human specimen caught your attention. Come to think of it, delicious may be the wrong word to describe this person. A bowl of blueberries is delicious, but...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-05-23 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational, Relatonships
My first “relationship” was a total mess. We stayed together for about a month and the “breakup” screwed me up for at least 6. When it was over, I blamed her for every exaggerated emotion I went through. Because when you looked at the facts, I...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-02-08 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational
Are you also disgusted by the way some people can lie to your face without so much as blinking an eye? Do you sometimes wonder if there’s anyone left in your life you can still trust? I know how that feels. Wondering how some people can still look themselves in the...