by PepTalksBlog | 2022-12-07 | Personal Growth, Foundational, Relatonships
One of the things people most often praise me for is my ability to remain immovably zen, regardless of circumstances. Which is funny. Because it’s an ability I don’t possess. I do think I emotionally react to fewer situations than the average Joe. But still,...
by PepTalksBlog | 2022-11-05 | Personal Growth, Foundational
Fear is a bad advisor. Actually, that’s a statement I don’t fully agree with. There are plenty of situations in which fear is a great advisor. If you hear gunshots around the corner, it’s usually a good idea to listen to your fear and get away from them....
by PepTalksBlog | 2022-08-25 | Personal Growth
SNIPPETS: Resources mentioned in this podcast: IFS: Richard Schwartz – No Bad Parts: Possibility Management: Circling SAS:...