by PepTalksBlog | 2016-10-01 | Relatonships, Foundational, Social, Stories
It has always fascinated me how the languages we speak are so rich and nuanced , yet the better part of our communication happens on a non-verbal level. (Dare I say 70-90%? I always feel like statistics are complete bullshit. But hey, they fill space in...
by PepTalksBlog | 2016-09-11 | Foundational, Mindset
Winter 2009. I came back from the gas station store, where I was quickly going to grab one for the road. But when I came outside the car was gone. I stood there for a second in disbelief. Everything I owned was in that car. All my clothes. My jacket. My ID. My...
by PepTalksBlog | 2016-08-10 | Foundational
Quick question: What is your main career/job right now before anything else? (Hint: It’s probably not what you think.) While you might be one of the lucky ones who actually guesses the answer to the above question correctly, most people...
by PepTalksBlog | 2016-07-25 | Foundational, Motivation
When you have big dreams, people will often warn you about how unrealistic they are. “What if you fail?” They’ll say. “You’ll have nothing to fall back on.” With best intentions, they try to be a good friend/father/funspoiler and make you understand that there’s a...
by PepTalksBlog | 2016-07-05 | Foundational, Motivation
You probably have some things that you’d love to do right now but simply can’t until you’ve fixed something stopping you from doing it. I you’re not entirely sure what I mean, here’s a whole bunch of examples from real people I know who are currently in such a...