Wave Your Freak Flag

Do you ever feel a little different from most of the people around you? Are you and your “BFF” such a great fit because you’re both completely crazy in a way that no one else understands? Are there parts of yourself even the people closest to you don’t get to see,...

The Manual for Life

When I was a kid, my favorite toys were always LEGOs.  Hands down. I liked a lot of stuff (let’s face it:  90’s toys were the shiznit) but there was something special about LEGOs.  They taught me about freedom, creativity and life at a very young age.  You get a box...
Free-Flowing Relationships

Free-Flowing Relationships

8 out of 10 times when someone asks me if I have a partner, my answer pisses them off.   I’m not sure why.  I guess I’ve just been blessed to meet a lot of people who care a lot about my love life ? That’s why I was always unsure about writing this...