How to Have a Perfect Day

One short and simple exercise I did a year ago that had a tremendous impact on what my life looks like today, is to write out what my perfect day would look like. Basically you just take a sheet of paper (or your computer, if you happen to be one of those...

How to Stop Feeling Disappointed

I used to feel disappointed every single day. I’d get up somewhere in the afternoon, put my favorite record on, make myself some cocktails and get in a great mood.  Then I’d start to go about my day and something would happen that threw me off.  Every single time. In...

Victims & Villains

Does it sometimes seem to you like no one in this World still remembers the meaning of words like “honesty” or “trust”? Like everyone sooner or later stabs you in the back once they get the chance? Like it’s almost impossible to find a man that’s not an asshole or a...

The Opposite of Priorities

Without a doubt, you’ve heard about “picking your priorities” before. When you have lots of work to do and very little time (don’t we all?), you make a list of everything that needs to be done and pick out the most important ones. This way, you know what to work...