Better Questions to Ask Instead of “Why?”

Remember how as a kid, people told you what you could or couldn’t do and you didn’t like it? So everyone time someone told you to not do something, you asked them: “But why?’’ 9 out of 10 times, you received a very unsatisfying answer like ‘’Because I say so.’  Later...

The Ultimate Guide to Living the Good Life

Do you sometimes catch yourself dreaming about the good life? Having enough money to spend your days doing all kinds of crazy stuff…Bungee jumping, lavish parties, being surrounded by lots of gorgeous whatever-type-of-human-it-is-you-dig. Not having anything in...

What You Can Learn from the People You Hate

When you look around in the world, what do you see? What kind of people is it filled with?  How do events generally tend to transpire over and over again?  Are there any clear patterns you can recognize? Is it a cruel world?  An unfair world?  Or a fun one filled with...

The One Book You Need to Stop Reading Right Now

During a hypnosis session, my subconscious showed me all sorts of interesting visualizations. In one of them, I was once walking through a big city. There was something strange about the scenery.  Every person on the street was dressed in the same boring fashion.  And...