by PepTalksBlog | 2017-11-16 | Motivation, Foundational
As I’m writing this, I’m looking at an envelope on my desk. It’s an important letter to customs. It’s written, sealed and stamped. But still, it’s been lying there for the past 3 days. Why? In an effort to run my errands more efficiently, I like to batch process tasks...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-11-08 | Mindset
I’ve been doing this thing lately where at the start of every month, I sit down and decide what the overarching “theme” or “project” for my month will be. Something to completely immerse myself in for 30 days that will make my life more interesting or yield...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-10-24 | Social, Foundational
A long time ago, one of my best friends told me “You should write a blog post about receiving compliments.” So I said “Great idea! I’ll do that!”. And then I never did it ? Just like me at the time, you’re probably wondering what I could write about it that you don’t...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-09-26 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational
You know those moments when you feel like something’s wrong between you and someone you care about and you have no idea what to do about it? Maybe you can think of a situation like that right now… This could be an issue you have your partner, one of your friends...
by PepTalksBlog | 2017-09-14 | Personal Growth
Hey there reader! Are you a truck driver? I’m guessing most people who read this are not (though I know for sure one person who will read this is a truck driver, so when you read this: Hi there, friend!) Which makes sense, because this not a blog about trucks....