by PepTalksBlog | 2018-07-20 | Mindset
You read it correctly. The title of this post was not a typo. There’s no shortage of motivational quotes and cool guys on YouTube telling you to stop caring what other people think of you. I don’t need to tell you that, you already know ? But an issue that is just as...
by PepTalksBlog | 2018-06-21 | Foundational, Social
Last week I was putting my proverbial nose to the equally proverbial grindstone, when I was rudely interrupted by the ever charming sound of an incoming call. At first my instinct told me to pick up the phone with a deep voice and say “Who the fuck is this? Paging me...
by PepTalksBlog | 2018-06-10 | Motivation, Foundational
During a group coaching session, one of my coachees urged me to share this story with the group. I told it to him during a session and had already forgotten about it. But for them, hearing it made a massive impact on their life. So I guess that means it’s worth...
by PepTalksBlog | 2018-05-24 | Dating / Relationships, Foundational
Have you ever been angry at an ex for leaving you? Maybe even so angry that you wanted to get revenge on the person you used to love? Have you ever stayed in a relationship, even though deep down, you knew this person wasn’t right for you? Most of us have. And...
by PepTalksBlog | 2018-05-12 | Self-improvement, Foundational
For as long as I can remember, I hated gossip. I’ve never had any negative experiences with it myself. It’s just that slandering a person while they’re not there to defend themselves seemed like very cowardly behavior to me. So when someone came...